How antioxidants help You Stay Young and Beautiful

Antioxidants are the “wonder” substances for your skin. They can nullify the natural, but damaging oxidation process in human tissues caused by free radicals – free molecules of oxygen that may lead to aging of the body.

Vitamin A, C, E, caroteniods, certain minerals, and nutrients from plants are rich sources of antioxidants.

Major benefit of antioxidants
Studies show that antioxidants reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, cataracts, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer. They are believed to increase longevity, help to shed pounds, get healthier eyesight, and facilitate healthier and youthful skin.

Foods rich in antioxidants
·         Fruits and vegetables – All kinds of berries, Acai fruit, and colorful fruits and veggies are rich in antioxidants. Beets, onions, spinach, broccoli, and alfalfa sprouts are also enriched with this “wonder” ingredient for youthful skin.
·         Whole grains – Brown rice, whole wheat, and oats are great for keeping skin younger. They are rich in fibers that reduce blood cholesterol and protect against heart disease, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
·         Nuts – As commonly believed, nuts don’t make you gain weight. Instead, they may help in losing weight, as a handful of nuts makes your full and prevents you from gorging between meals. Nuts are powerhouses of antioxidants; but you must eat them in moderation. A handful a day is enough.
·         Green tea – It is high in antioxidants. Experts recommend 2-10 cups a day.
·         Red wine – It has resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that prolongs life and offers many anti aging benefits, according to research.

Anti aging creams

The recent launch of a complete collection of anti aging products by a top brand has given women an easier way to maintain their youth and beauty. If you already got wrinkles and other aging signs, you can still bring back your skin’s youthfulness thanks to these creams.

The inclusion of the above foods in your diet, along with use of anti aging creams, creates a more beautiful you.

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