Christine Bleakley’s Top weight Loss Tips

Christine Bleakley, the charming TV presenter, shares her tips to keep fit and healthy.

Make your workout session fun. It is natural to feel boredom after some time, repeating the same movements every day. Human nature craves for novelty and thrill. Boredom may shake your enthusiasm and regularity, eventually making you fall out of the weight loss program.

Do not let this happen. Schedule your session in a group or listen to music while working out. This adds in an element of fun in your weight loss program. Exercising with your friend or partner helps you keep up with the target, as he or she will push you.

Pushing yourself is okay as long as you don’t go overboard. According to Christine, it’s a sin to be obsessed with the weighing scale. Your favorite jeans will tell you whether you are close to your weight loss target. Scales can spoil your day really.

Gear up to work hard. Plyometrics like the jumping sequences in Christine’s DVD are ideal for bum and legs. Of course, they are not easy; but if you desire results, you must do them. You will notice the difference in a few sessions. Just do them.

If you love heavy breakfast, ease off the rest of the day. The best thing to do is take frequent and small meals. This keeps up your energy level throughout the day and avoids those nasty hunger pangs.

Penelope Cruz inspires Christine, who loves Cruz’s curvaceous look. Cameron Diaz is yet another figure of inspiration. Her athletic look is a matter of admiration.

Losing weight is not the end of the battle. The challenge lies in maintaining healthy weight.

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